
Chapter 6, Part 1: The Clean-Up Crew, The Problem Of Loosh, and The Muhammad Accords

 Seth Lyon

Sep 1, 2017 · 14 min read

Chapter 6, Part 1: The Clean-Up Crew, The Problem Of Loosh, and The Muhammad Accords

10,000 BC — 0 AD: From this point on we already have one history that’s been accepted — the one we all learn, about cavemen and primitive tribes, the early civilizations of Egypt, Greece, the Orient, etc… what is missing is the massive backdrop of all that went before and the fact that there were other, higher-Density realities and beings with agendas both positive and negative in the picture, and behind the scenes.

The Nacaals and various high-ranking members of the Maya priesthood, along with the positive-polarity Annunaki and other genetic farmer races, did their best to shepherd and guide the people back towards a more evolved consciousness, sometimes overtly and sometimes by discretely nudging events and people here and there.

The first thing they had to do was reseed plant and animal life from the DNA they had gathered before the Cataclysm and continue to develop the consciousness grid they had anchored with the network of pyramids across the globe. As the years passed they would guide their followers across the world and help them construct more pyramids and massive megalithic structures to strengthen the consciousness grid. Think of Stonehenge and all the other standing stone sites across the world, as well as the pyramids that have been found on all continents, some very recently; many of these were constructed during this span of time.

Also, a note on their construction — these later structures actually were built with stone, not manifested down from the higher Density like the Great Pyramids of Giza, but they were not built “by hand”, but rather through the use of anti-gravity technology. Some of this tech was in the form of actual devices handed down through the generations from Atlantean times, but more often the higher ranking priests in the culture, who had been initiated in various teachings through their “gods”, used consciousness and sound to move and place the stones.

Also the reason that most of the pyramids that were built during this time have flat tops (and this is true all across the world — South America, China, the South Pacific), is because the apex of the pyramid was actually a 4th density mini-pyramid that sat on top of the flat stone — it was a higher density pyramid that was powered by the stone structure and interfaced with the consciousness grid.

Most of the Nacaals settled in India and Tibet, where many of the higher-consciousness folks from Lemuria had ended up. If you examine the ancient Vedic scripts and artwork you will see numerous references and depictions of advanced flying craft and weaponry as well as undeniably alien figures; Krishna was blue remember! These were the vessels and personages of the Nacaal group and other ET races.

Most of the Maya ended up as, well, the Mayans! They settled in South America and began intermixing with the local folks who were mostly made up from survivors of the general populace of MU. By the time 2500 BC rolled around they had a well-established civilization, the only civilization in South America to have a comprehensive writing system and precise, advanced architecture featuring, surprise… many pyramids.

The reason the Mayan culture vanished mysteriously around 1000 AD is because they were needed back on their home planet. They have recently returned to help us out, but I’ll get to that later.
Another branch from the Atlantean mystery school came to Britain and established the order of Druids there, as well as the 4th-Density community that would be called Avalon.

Also remember that there were 22 genetic farmer races at this time, and most of them took those in their respective genetic programs under their wing, sometimes literally!

There’s a reason that the ancient Chinese and Japanese cultures feature dragons as benevolent gods, for the farmer races of those lineages were from various branches of the Dragon Queen Tiamat’s people, who were a benevolent reptilian race (though Japanese history also features evil dragons and these were from a different race of sea-dwelling reptilians who were NOT so nice).

The Earthly Nordic races were helped out by their progenitors, the Nordic ET group, and the Asgardian people, who have been prominently featured lately in the Marvel films.

Incidentally, the Marvel films are all part of the partial disclosure agenda (I’ll get into the difference between this and full disclosure later) and have a lot of factual elements that are presented as fantasy. Asgard, the Ice Giants, enormous floating battle carriers with cloaking technology, an inter-galactic multi-density civilization with many, many types of beings both good and evil, an evil group secretly working within the Earth’s intelligence community to bring about world domination (Hydra = Cabal), etc…. all based on fact.

The Hebrew people have a story of Ten Lost Tribes that vanished in the time after the flood. This is because they were split up during the devastation of Atlantis. The Lost Tribes were a contingent of the Hebrew people who had been in MU for quite some time; developing their consciousness and living a life more immersed in nature.

When the Cataclysm struck, those who were on Atlantis ended up going east and establishing what would become Israel, and the ones on MU were driven west and north to what would become America and Canada. The aboriginal tribes of North America, and some groups in the Caribbean, are actually the descendants of the “lost tribes” of Israel.

There are many tribes of Native Americans, but in general, consider these similarities between that race and the Hebrews:

  • Similar facial features and similar coloring in skin, hair, and eyes.

  • Both groups call the Creator Yahweh or some variation of that, like Yah Yah, YoHeWah.

  • Both groups tended toward a nomadic lifestyle,

  • Both groups carried some sort of Ark into battle,

  • Both groups celebrate seven feasts, keep a seventh day of rest, had cities of refuge, and don’t eat pork.

  • Even the wording of many of the prayers from both cultures are the same or similar.

The positive-polarity Annunaki who were still on Earth at this point helped out the people who flocked back to Mesopotamia and cultivated the development of what would become the Egyptian culture.

This is pretty easily observed in our consensual version of history, for modern historians have been baffled by the so called “stair-step evolution” of Egyptian culture; first there was only an oral tradition then suddenly, BAM! There is a complete system of writing all at once used by everyone, then BAM! Water and moat systems are implemented, then BAM! Advanced hydraulic systems are suddenly put into place across the land. Each one of these developments are referred to in Egyptian lore as “gifts from the gods”, which they were, though one must substitute “ET” for “god” in order to be accurate.

During this time of cultural development there was still division in the ranks among the Annunaki. Like Enki, many had cultivated their consciousness and embraced a service-to-others vibration, and others had most definitely not, and still embraced the vibration of service-to-self. Most of the negative-polarity Annunaki were back on Niburu, but there were a few powerful exceptions, and this created debate and conflict, mostly about the best way to cultivate human civilization, mainly revolving around what degree of interference should be allowed, and if it was still ok to use humans as a labor force to advance their own agenda of gold mining, etc.

The two people who would butt heads the most about this were Marduk (now called RA), and Ningishzidda (now called Thoth). Eventually Enki (who kept behind the scenes during this time and was unknown to the Egyptians) stepped in and settled the dispute and reluctantly gave the territory to his son Marduk (RA), hoping that the hard lessons of leadership might change his mindset and help him develop compassion and empathy.

But RA rewrote the histories to make himself the Supreme God, though Thoth continued to be venerated by the people. Thoth then went on to help out with Stonehenge around 2800 BC after that travelled to the developing Mayan civilization, where he became known as Quetzalcoatl.

From this point on, when intervening in some way, all the genetic farmer races would pose as Gods to their respective groups, as it was much easier for the consciousness of the people at that time to accept that there were Gods, than it was for them to accept there were many advanced races of extra-terrestrials. This is why the Egyptian Gods were often half animal in features — these were merely presentations by the Annunaki, and by some of the Draco as well, to make themselves appear more mysterious and, well, godly.

Another group that involved itself heavily in the Egyptian culture were the 13 Royal Bloodlines from Orion. This race had massive, elongated skulls, which you can see in many of the depictions of Pharaohs from ancient Egyptian dynasties.

Later on, the Annunaki would cultivate another emerging civilization in the same area — the Greeks.

With the Greeks they abandoned the disguises they had used with the Egyptians (at least mostly, they did lighten their skin a bit to appear more similar to the Greeks), for consciousness in the Greeks at that time (around 700 BC) was more highly advanced and they could accept that the Gods could appear like them and still be “divine”. Some members of the Annunaki once again indulged in having sex with mortal women, which is recounted in Greek history.

By the time Greek culture was well-established the consciousness grid across the earth, which had been built by the Nacaals and cultivated by other farmer races and their people, began to reach its full potential. It was basically like a crutch to bolster human consciousness, so that it could grow again; and as the grid got stronger, so did human consciousness.

Greek culture represented a real upsurge in consciousness , for while they did still act on desires for conquest (think of Alexander the Great), they also investigated and greatly furthered the sciences, philosophy, ethics, and mastered many art forms.

This upsurge in consciousness in turn bolstered the grid, and the consciousness field of the Earth began to be more organic and less reliant on the built grid. And this was a threat to the Cabal, as was the conquest of Egypt by the Greeks, a move which the Greek “gods” had encouraged because of the depth to which the Orion group had infiltrated that society. If you look at images from the Ptoltemic Dynasty you’ll notice — no more elongated skulls!

The Elite of the Orion group had been mostly hanging out in Antarctica, quietly continuing their pursuits of advancement in the sciences, particularly in genetic manipulation and electro-magnetic-gravitic weaponry (scalar weapons). But they had long ago also interbred with humans and established tendrils of their bloodlines throughout many cultures — most prominently in Egyptian culture as previously mentioned — and they were also connected to their Draco allies under the ground and throughout the world. They kept their finger on the pulse of what was happening and, as Greek understanding continued to push the consciousness grid towards a positive, 4th density state, they decided to take action.

They had already infiltrated another culture that was emerging in the area — Rome. This is why the Romans were the most powerful, brutal, bloody, war-minded culture to emerge from this time period; for the Cabal infiltrated all levels of that society and did what they do best — nudge it towards service-to-self and conquest of others. There were many good elements in Roman culture as well, there are good people everywhere after all, but the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, and the devastation it wreaked along the way, can be traced back to the infiltration by the Cabal and it’s appetites.

The Romans won a decisive victory over the Greeks in the Battle of Corinth in 146 BC, and then later went on to conquer the Ptolemaic Dynasty in Egypt in 30 BC, and as part of this decimation of Greek culture the Romans “adopted” the Greek pantheon of Gods, but they changed the names — Zeus became Jupiter, Poseidon became Neptune, etc… and they really inherited these “gods” in name only, for the positive Annunaki, heartbroken by the decimation of the culture they had been cultivating and which had shown such promise, basically said “fuck it” at this point, and most of them returned to Nibiru.

While conquering Egypt the Roman leaders also came into contact with the ancient dark religious practices that the Orion group had established there, which had continued underground during the Ptolemaic Dynasty — practices involving the torture and sacrifice of humans, including children. Many Roman leaders were initiated into these groups and this laid the foundation for the Satanic religion that we see practiced all over the Earth by the Cabal and it’s associates to this day. In fact one of the biggest centers of Satanic worship has been, ironically, the Vatican and Roman Catholic Church.

The consciousness grid had its work cut out for it against the influence of the Cabal!

Despite great teachers who came down from the 6th Density to help , like good ‘ol Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) and Yeshua Ben Joseph (Jesus), the Cabal was generally successful at eventually perverting the teachings of these great figures and twisting them into religions that served the Cabal’s ends; although this was less so with Buddhism, for when Siddhartha was teaching, the Cabal was still mostly staying behind the scenes.

By the time of Christ’s crucifixion at the hands of the Cabal, the Earth was a very dark place.

. . .

From the height of the Roman Empire to the present day the Cabal has had uncontested control of the power structures on this planet, although mostly from behind the scenes. So I think it would be good to stop for a moment and ask the question, why?

Why does the Cabal have a need to dominate, oppress, and enslave the people of Earth? What is their motivation? The obvious answer is so that they can continue to ensure their own power and comfort, but there is a deeper motivation underneath that, and that is Loosh.

Loosh is the psychic/emotional/chemical energy that is emitted by beings who are suffering and tormented. It gives those who tap into it an intense, erotic high that is extremely addictive. This is why all the members of the Cabal, both human and non, have such a penchant for pedophilia and the torture of children — for the psychic/emotional/chemical emanations of innocent children is especially strong. To this day, thousands of children are kidnapped every year and used for these dark rituals.

But there are more commonplace examples of Loosh that we see every day — the terror of war, the desire to slow down and look at a car wreck, the addictive pleasures of pornography, the thrill of a horror flick, even the constant nagging worry over unpaid bills and deadlines — these are all ways in which the common populace gets seduced by, and perpetuates, the dark energy of Loosh every day.

The Cabal is now made up of humans like you and me, and by different kinds of Draco, but it was started by the extraterrestrial group from Orion, and many of those beings are still present in the 3rd, 4th and 5th densities and are connected psychically to higher ranking members of the Cabal.

Higher-Density consciousness reptilians, like the Ciakar, or White Draco, are also overlords of this group, and for these higher-Density creatures, Loosh is an extremely potent food and drug all in one, like the dark version of Mana, or Divine Nectar.

This is one of the the basic, fundamental driving forces behind all the control and oppression we have experienced — the need to keep people suffering so that they keep perpetuating misery and keep producing Loosh for the members of the Cabal to slurp up.

And one more thing. In addition to the addictive pleasures of the Loosh itself, all the members of the Cabal are also fundamentally driven by the energy of Ahriman, which perpetuates all service-to-self consciousness. At the core level it is Ahriman’s urge to destroy all of Creation that fuels this nastiness.

. . .

From the period that followed the destruction of Atlantis and MU up to the early Dark Ages there was occasional open conflict going on between various groups of genetic farmer races, which often took place in the skies above Earth. Many of these battles are recounted and depicted in the stories and artwork of the ancient Vedic texts, which referred to the flying craft as Vimanas.


Eventually it was decided that these overt displays of technology were interfering with the sociological development of the population and so, shortly after the time of Mohammad, a treatise was signed and given the name, The Mohammad Accords.

This agreement stated that manipulation of the human race and conflict between ET groups could hereafter only take place behind the scenes. The unfortunate outcome of this was that the Cabal only grew stronger, for behind-the-scenes manipulation was, and is, their specialty.

The Dark Ages, the period of time after the fall of the Roman Empire and up to the Renaissance, was a time during which the Cabal spread and infiltrated many societies and institutions across the globe. Not much was going on other than suffering and power struggles, which only strengthened the Cabal’s grip on the land.

There were some beacons of light still, which were kept glowing by small groups operating mostly in secret — the true followers of Buddha, Christ, and Mohammad, as well as a few secret societies who passed down the enlightened teachings and history of the Golden Age of Atlantis and MU from generation to generation.

In general though the overall trend of this time, even through the Renaissance and continuing to this present day, has been one of domination, colonialism and manifest destiny, increased disconnection from the Earth and nature, and an increased trend towards industrial might and warfare, all orchestrated by the Cabal which was, and is still, infiltrated throughout all levels of all cultures (although not for much longer, which we’ll get to later).

There were better times when reason and love burned more brightly, like the Persian Empire which was ended by the Arab conquest of Persia. This in turn brought about the Golden Age of Islam, which was ended by the Mongol Hoard; or the Renaissance, which was subsumed by climate shifts, the black plague, and warfare — all of which the Cabal had a hand in perpetuating.

Basically, the Dark Ages never ended.

The debt-based economy rules. The oppression of indentured servitude, slavery, and the rule of kings has simply been replaced by the 9–5 work week and pretend governments that function only as a smoke screen.

The yolk and plow have been replaced by the remote control and smartphone.

We have progressed our level of technology and ability to create creature comforts greatly yet our basic enslavement and oppression are the same, we are just more comfy and therefore more complacent. Make no mistake, we have, for well over two thousand years, been living on a slave planet.

The Cabal’s systems of control extend throughout all of society, particularly in the way that mainstream media and entertainment program our consciousness. The greatest tool the Cabal has to oppress us is also the thing that can set us free, for they know that reality fundamentally emanates from consciousness and that by programming it the way that they want they can perpetuate the reality they want. In order to break out of this we have to learn to harness the power of our consciousness and focus it on the reality we want.

This is tricky though because of all the trauma we have experienced, both collectively and as individuals. Unresolved trauma keeps us in survival mode and makes it very difficult to even access the parts of the brain and nervous system that facilitate powerful, intentional consciousness. I’ll get into the solution to all that towards the end of this publication.