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How To Use This Archive

Let’s start with some context.

We currently live in troubled times.

Conflict, disease, unhealthy food, polluted air, toxic medicine and financial stress have led to a planet full of people suffering from uncertainty and fear. This results in different kinds of emotional and physical trauma that affects us all.

This mental and emotional state of fear programming stems from being fed a censored narrative by the establishment that has deliberately chosen to leave out information that is vital to bettering the way we live our lives.

This suppressed knowledge could be essential for humanity to break out of the fear matrix system and actualise our true potential.

Most of us have NOT been taught how to optimise our mind, body and soul energies properly. So many practises that enable us to develop a strong spiritual centre are missing from our education system.


Think of truth-seeking like being in a large, dark warehouse where all you have is a flashlight that illuminates parts of the darkness. It’s the same with knowledge: you can light up only partial aspects of the truth at any given point in time.

No one is ever going to come and hit the main switch and light up the whole room for you, and never will you be able to see the whole warehouse in one go.

The current contents of the archive are the lights illuminating parts of the whole, and this is why we need you to turn on your flashlights as contributors to Open Signal.

The history we have been taught is not the only version of the story of our planet and our species. Unfortunately, it’s the one that has been constantly reinforced through existing education systems and the mass media.

Seriously consider the possibility that the version of history that you know today is severely censored.

More and more light on the larger story is now being shed through new information continually being revealed, and through new understandings of the wisdom of ancient civilisations that came before ours.


Vast amounts of hidden knowledge is now available. Some is wisdom lost and recovered again, and part of it is information interpreted by channeled sources. The archive includes many discoveries by scientists, the writings of scholars, the thoughts of philosophers, the insight of healers, and the research of many other seekers of the truth from across the ages.

All sources are duly credited.

Not all knowledge presented here is created by people who are professional communicators. Some of the content will be very believable, while some of it will seem to lack credibility due to the way it is presented.

Certain videos may seem amateur in their production quality or directorial style. The content creators all have their own agendas, and these do reflect in the material.

I urge you to look past all these things, and hope you will take from the content new ideas and concepts that will enrich your own search for your truth.

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We Are Not Alone In The Universe

Many sources tell us that higher and lower density beings from other dimensions have been and continue to be in contact with humanity. They have always shared our history, and play a role in our present-day reality. 

Your Truth

It is not promised that you will find the absolute truth here.

Open Signal is a place for you to peruse alternative view points to the established narrative, or perhaps simply come across new information you have never been able to consider before.

If anything you learn here ignites the spark for you to do more of your own research, to seek deeper towards your own version of your truth, and inspires you to share your research further, then Open Signal has succeeded in its mission.

If this information DOES RESONATE with you, then the hope is that it will be useful for you to put some things into context.

If you have information to share that you feel will be a valuable addition to this archive, then please hit contact below and connect.


Start with reading “The History of The Multiverse” by Seth Lyon

This series of articles will give you a timeline from the creation of the universe, right up to recent times, with a focus on events in the US and the western world.

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Next watch the documentary “The Cosmic Secret” by David Wilcock

The “Cosmic Secret” will make you question every page in your history book, and everything you thought you knew about reality. Prepare yourself for a film that may very well challenge your every belief system and in the process unveil the secrets of humanities long-lost cosmic origins.

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Next watch the documentary “Out of Shadows” by

The Out Of Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda.

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Next watch the Zeitgeist Documentaries by Peter Joseph

This compelling documentary explores manipulations of the American masses by those with wealth and power. Peter Joseph presents his powerful argument to people that are conditioned to accept the American government and the media as truth. Here you will find topics in the categories of science and technology, philosophy, mass-manipulation, religious manipulation, false flag operations, hidden agendas, economical manipulation, and hidden truths. 

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Next watch “Above Majestic” by David Wilcok

“Above Majestic” is a shocking and provocative look at a hidden a multi-trillion-dollar Secret Space Program (a clandestine group of elite military and corporate figureheads charged with reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology also known as "Majestic 12") and the implications this would have for humanity.

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Next watch “

The End of the World as we Know it  - The Fall of the Cabal” by Janet Ossebaard

This 10-part series of videos, was made by Dutch author and filmmaker Janet Ossebaard. Fall of the Cabal speaks about false-flags with an objective perspective of time and alternative revelations, goes into human trafficking, pedophilia, media manipulation, ritual sacrifices, and finishes by offering a positive perspective of what’s being done as many awakened would attest to.